There has been a lot of discussion, especially in the past couple of years, about the amount of sugar we’re consuming as a nation - especially from soft drinks.
That’s actually what got Sophia, my co-founder, and me wanting to develop the Iced Tg range. Our Tg green teas do contain added sugar. In total, less than 2 teaspoons of it per bottle but, before you click the “delete Tg from consideration” button, give us 2 minutes!
Just how much sugar is in my drink?
Take a bottle of your favourite soft drink and look closely at the nutritional table on the back of the pack. Look closely at the number in grams of sugar that is in the drink in your hand. The vast majority of drinks contain much more than 7g of sugar per bottle and many of them you’d never expect are loaded with 4 or more teaspoons of sugar!
Look carefully because even a drink that has a flash on front of pack “No added sugar” can pack more than 7 teaspoons!
Look carefully because even a drink that has a flash on front of pack “No added sugar” can pack more than 7 teaspoons!

NHS guidelines for a healthy balanced diet says adults should consume no more than 90g of sugar from all sources each day (with no more than 30g of “added sugar”).
Our iced Tg green teas contain less than 2 teaspoons of added sugar per bottle. Sophia and I refuse to add a grain of sugar more than was necessary to ensure a tasty drink.
We even plan to reduce Tg green tea sugar levels further in our next products but, for now, we hope you like our iced teas with just a touch of added sweetness.
“No added sugar” versions of familiar drinks are not what you are expecting
We could have developed a “no added sugar” Tg green tea but we would have needed to add some weird sounding ingredients to the recipe which we were simply not prepared to do.
We also wanted to ensure we used the best sugar alternative available today, stevia, in our drink development.
We refused to work with sweeteners that appear in the list of “avoid” or “use with caution” sweeteners on the globally recognised Centre for Science in the Public Interest.
In the end, it is important to Sophia and I that we developed a great tasting iced tea that had a clean label and nutritional contents we would put our name to and be happy to drink ourselves day in, day out.
Dr Hua He MD PhD PMP
Co-founder, Tg green teas
Dr Hua He MD PhD PMP
Co-founder, Tg green teas
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