Hua (my co-founder) and I have been crowdfunding on Tesco Backit for the past few weeks. It's been a great opportunity to share with folks who already know and love our innovative drink concept.....and loads of folks who never heard of Tg green tea - or us -before. The crowdfunding platform itself is new - the first of its kind by a global retailer (Tesco) - and focused on supporting emerging food & drink brands raise funds to scale up and get ready to list (hopefully) in a Top 5 global retailer!
The campaign closes on 7th November so please allow me to make a short, direct appeal to you to support our crowdfunding campaign. With every pledge we are able to deliver our drinks to more and more cafes, delis, workplaces and charities all across Britain - and to ensure sales support is on hand to fulfill orders once more folks have sampled our drinks.
Please may I ask you to make a pledge of £25, £50, or £100 today. We will say "thank you" with gifts of tea, Tg branded tea infusers, Breville smoothie blenders, and e-vouchers. Non-UK pledges will be rewarded with other special treats!
We are also offering a very unique reward: If you or your company pledges £250 or more, I will personally come in and serve tea at your workplace or favourite charity…and give a talk on innovation, entrepreneurship or launching a startup. You must pledge by 7th November! The tea & a talk can be served in the UK anytime, in Frankfurt 28-30 Nov '16, in Seattle/Paris Jan/Feb '17, in Shanghai April '17 etc.
You may be asking, why support us? And why through a crowdfunding campaign?Firstly, we have a great product, a reliable supply chain and people desperately wanting to try our drinks. To get the drinks to them, we need logistics help. Most startups die at this stage and we do not want to be another statistic. We believe what we've developed is something special (otherwise we would not have made it onto this Tesco platform).
Secondly, and this is important if you're considering to get involved in our business in the future. We will pick from backers of this crowdfunding campaign active (and passive) advisors, future equity investors, distributors, retail & e-commerce partners, and key service providers. So, that above anything else should be a motivating factor in joining the 100+ people who have already supported the campaign.
Real brewed refreshing green tea, low in sugar and full of ancient wellness ingredients, Tg green tea is certainly well placed to lead the development of a truly health-oriented soft drink category in the UK and elsewhere. So what are you waiting for?
We know you are #DownwithJunk so make a pledge today. A VOTE for Tg says #ImWithHer ……that is, with Hua & me, not the other "Her" although we would like her to win too!
YOU also get a chance to “road test” Tg green teas. Click on to get through to our “Tesco Backit” crowdfunding page. With a pledge of £25 or more, in addition to helping me immensely to scale up, you will rewarded with tasty Tg green teas – and other goodies – to enjoy! As Tesco says, "every little helps".
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